Are there any grocery style bags that work with the light aluminum cargo rack? Like, for instance, has anyone gotten the Bushwhacker Omaha bags to work on their Urbano?
I've used grocery style panniers for decades. But they don't fit the rear rack: the rack tubing is too thick for my pack's hooks, and the bungee hook on my pack is too low.
I loved being able to park my 26" mountain bike, detach my pannier bags, load them with groceries, reattach and go. This capability would make my Urbano the perfect apartment bike.
Please let me know what you've found that worked.
Hi Kevin Regretfully, we don't have any experience with panniers. However, I would like to invite you to our Facebook User's Group ( There, we have riders that have used panniers, racks and other methods for hauling gear (usually with pictures)! They are an amazing group of riders with an amazing trove of knowledge!